Types of Epilepsy Experienced by Individuals

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There is a nagging fear that exists for a patient that the patient could suffer a sudden attack of epilepsy anywhere and at any time. However, this isn't the case because in the vast majority of cases, the epilepsy-related seizures are successfully controlled by proper medication and the patient gets an end-to-end remission after treatment is over. Hence there is no reason why the patient should be in undue panic unduly. He is expected to live an normal life, in all respects. This unwarranted fear of the patient will only be eradicated by a physician with regular counseling. In addition, many a time the whole family might need to be educated on the nature of the disorder depending on the specific case. This is vital when it comes to treating epilepsy. The patient must be educated/motivated on all aspects of the condition in full, especially the preventive part.

In many instances, particularly in children, there might be only momentary / transitory unconsciousness (i.e. disturbed consciousness within the brain) called petit mal epilepsy.Likewise there could be a disturbance that can occur to affect special sensations that the brain produces, i.e., sensation of sight (when the patient sees spots or flashes of bright light) as well as hearing (when the patient hears strange sounds), of smell and taste (i.e. strange or unpleasant sensations like smell or taste etc.) There are also sensations that occur in the internal organs (visceral) could be involved in epilepsy, and the patient may feel discomfort in the upper and middle portion of his abdomen (epigastrium) as well as this could be accompanied by vomiting or nausea. Sensory sensations may also be present as the patient might feel pricking, burning, tearing etc. sensations on any part of the body's skin.

Another important point to follow is that patients with epilepsy must adhere to his routine daily in regards to his timetable for eating working, sleeping and sleep. It is not recommended to stay awake throughout the night, since it may be required sometimes under certain circumstances, insofar as is practical. The issue can be further explained by saying that in certain instances, to determine the presence of epilepsy, when the typical EEG will be in normal range, a sleep deprivation (in which case , the patient is directed to remain awake the whole night) EEG is taken, which may be positive. This can aid in the diagnosis of epilepsy. Thus, the importance of a healthy sleep for people suffering from epilepsy. To receive added information on this please check these guys out.

Epilepsy with grand mal can occur several times per day. However, the frequency of epilepsy-related seizures is very variable, to the point that the patient may never experience another attacks throughout his or her entire life. Thus, the significance of educating the masses about epilepsy's diagnosis is increased because treatment can't begin until a single epilepsy-related attack occurs, which remains doubtful due to the lack of evidence. On the other hand there is the possibility that the patient suffers multiple attacks and not regain consciousness between the attacks, a condition known as status epilepticus, which could be even fatal, in the event that immediate medical assistance is not given. There are times when there is an abrupt jerky motion of the limb or s which means that if both the lower limbs are affected and the patient is standing, he might collapse all at once. This state is called myoclonic epilepsy. Sometimes the small muscles of the eyes, face etc. may also be involved.

A few words may also be spoken about children with epilepsy. Parents must boost them up. They should never be able to believe that they are unable to study or accomplish anything in their lives, as they have developed epilepsy. The need for mass awareness is paramount to this end, both for teachers, parents and fellow children/ students. These children must follow a set routine, both of study and sports. An epileptic child should only engage in gentle sports because heavy physical exertion may not be suitable.

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